EDCE 6300
Inquiry into Student Learning to Inform Practice
In this course, participants take a closer look at what it means to be a teacher and a student in a PLN classroom. Participants examine the learning experiences of two specific students and reflect on the implications of this course learning for all students in their classrooms. Based on The Reading Writing Talking Processes and The Lenses of Learning, participants explore ways to construct learning experiences that help their students grow to be co-constructive, resilient problem solvers. Participants draw on teacher observations, samples of the students’ work, and any additional sources of information to create a portrait of two students. During the course, participants explore ways to engage students in reflective dialogue and writing. They also participate in Curriculum Problem Solving, Document Review and Reviewing a Child with Care based on the integrated work of Pat Carini (The Prospect School) and Dr. Morton Botel (PLN/University of Pennsylvania). *Prerequisite: 2 PLN courses preferred (PLN 1 and an additional course. PLN 1 is required.)