Instructional & Leadership Coaching
PLN is committed to empowering educators with support and guidance to enhance their teaching practices, improve student outcomes, and foster a culture of lifelong learning in our partner schools. Through collaborative and reflective personalized instructional coaching, we strive to transform practices and inspire educators to unlock their full potential.
Our instructional coaching program provides classroom support of evidence-based literacy practices across the curriculum through observations, debriefing sessions, and collaborative teaching. Our coaching is not evaluative; it is reflective and supportive of the work that teachers are doing. Our instructional coaches offer:
- Professional development workshops
- Lesson observations, with same-day debriefings
- Coaching at grade-level meetings
- Collaborative lesson planning and co-teaching
Our leadership coaching program provides regular site-based support for school leaders in integrating literacy across all content areas and grade levels. Our leadership coaching program offers:
- Dialogue with school leadership on literacy concerns
- Needs assessment
- Planning and implementation support for a literacy action plan
- Professional learning activities
- Professional development consulting
- Data review and analysis
- Resources for the staff
Contact Us
To get started on customizing a coaching program at your school or district, please contact us at gsepennlit@pobox.upenn.edu.