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Certificate in Social-Emotional Teaching & Learning (K-12)

Social-Emotional Teaching & Learning in the Trauma-Informed Classroom (K-12)

Earn a Certificate in SEL from the Penn Literacy Network
PLN is pleased to offer its certificate in Social-Emotional Teaching & Learning to K-12 educators online.

This Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) certificate enhances educators' abilities as they work with students and develop classroom-based lessons and curriculum to promote intrapersonal, interpersonal, and skills that promote success in and out of the classroom.

Implications for the PLN Classroom (with a focus on trauma)

In this course, participants learn how to best reach the explosive child, the disconnected child, the child of trauma and the chronically inattentive child. They explore what the emotional brain teaches us about the best way to structure lessons and build a safe learning community.

Forming & Reforming Reading, Writing, Talking Across the Curriculum

In this course, participants learn about The PLN research-based frameworks of The Five Reading, Writing, and Talking Processes and The Four Lenses of Learning against the backdrop of brain biology with the goal of understanding the positive effects of research-based best literacy practices for all learners across the curriculum.

Mindfulness-Based Strategies to Support Teaching and Learning

This course helps participants make fundamental changes in how they react to stress through a series of techniques grounded in a traditional form of meditation known as mindfulness, specifically aimed at classroom implementation across the curriculum.