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EDCE 6220

Teaching Writing Across the Curriculum Infused with Technology

This class is the fusion of technology and writing for beginner to intermediate technology users, and is designed to invite all learners to embrace the partnership of technology and writing. Participants, as writers themselves, are invited to take a fresh look at writing, at the State Standards for writing, Web 2.0 tools that support writing, and, more generally, The Five Reading Writing Talking Processes and The Four Lenses of Learning.

Through collaborative, hands on experiences, participants continue to realize the interactive partnership of how reading good, rich texts (literature and informational) inspire students to become good writers. Through ongoing discussions of what some of the experts have to say, participants explore making sense of the writing process and incorporating current, relevant Web 2.0 writing theories and tools. In this course, practical strategies and suggestions on how to teach digital writing by examining author’s craft in digital texts, while adapting to meet their varied needs across the curriculum are addressed. The required texts are Crafting Digital Writing: Composing Texts Across Media and Genres by Troy Hicks (2013) and "The Plainer Truths of Teaching, Learning and Literacy" by Morton Botel and Lara Paparo.