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EDCE 6290

Study Group- Investigating Language

This course provides an opportunity for educators to take an in-depth look at a professional text that focuses on best practices in reading, writing, and talking across the curriculum, numeracy, science, social-emotional teaching and learning, or technology across the curriculum. The course text is selected in collaboration with schools and districts. In addition to an in-depth exploration connected to the content of the selected text, participants learn a variety of ways to approach book talks that encourage rich, meaningful discussions. Participants engage in a range of group reading talks and strategies for accessing text content as they try out these techniques with their students. Participants purchase their course text and PLN provides "The Plainer Truths of Teaching, Learning and Literacy" by Morton Botel and Lara Paparo as a mentor text or participants are asked to bring their own copy of The Plainer Truths from a former PLN course. There are multiple study group courses, and each section related to the following topics: Participants may earn credit for multiple PLN 13 Study Group courses as long as they are focused on different texts.