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Project Based Learning in the PLN Classroom

In this course participants learn about integrating project based learning in their classrooms. The course focuses primarily on the six drivers of project based teaching and learning: keeping the end in mind, collaboration, questioning, overcoming constraints, productive struggle and feedback. Participants explore the integration of project based learning through PLN’s Four Lenses of Learning and Five Reading, Writing and Talking Processes.

Participants experience and create project based curriculum units for hands-on classroom implementation that promote student choice and agency by putting students at the center of their learning. Participants need to purchase the core text before the course begins: Hacking Project Based Learning: 10 Easy Steps to PBL and Inquiry in the Classroom by Ross Cooper and Erin Murphy. PLN provides the mentor text, "The Plainer Truths of Teaching, Learning and Literacy" by Morton Botel and Lara Paparo.