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EDCE 6330

Math Literacy 3

Implementing Written Responses in a Mathematics Curriculum

This course provides an opportunity for teachers to take an in-depth look at two comprehensive professional texts -- “How Did You Get That? Seven Strategies For Improving Written Responses in Math” by Bill Atwood for grades 3-12 teachers and "What Successful Math Teachers Do" for grades K-5 teachers by Edward S. Wall and Alfred S. Posamentier.
The four general principles that guide this course are:
* Writing is thinking.
* Broad visions need strategic focus.
* Coordinated effort accelerates change
* Student responsibility drives learning.

Participants experience a variety of approaches to increase the quality of math written responses. Strategies for facilitating the explanation for open-ended responses are demonstrated. Each class meeting participants share how they have adapted these strategies in their classrooms. Based on the PLN Mathematical Processes and The Four Lenses of Learning, participants explore ways to construct learning experiences that help their students grow to be co-constructive, resilient problem solvers. They also consider how the work of Atwood, Wall and Posamentier and PLN concepts and strategies support one another and are integrated into best teaching practices.

A significant feature of this course is that participants reflect on themselves as learners. Through varied reflective writing opportunities, participants consider their personal and professional growth in response to the course texts. These written reflections comprise the required course journals. These journals are a combination of responses to the texts and classroom try-out strategies.