EDCE 5330
Forming & Reforming Reading, Writing, and Talking Across the Curriculum
Introduction to Teaching & Learning through the PLN Frameworks
Participants investigate the PLN Frameworks of The Five Reading, Writing, and Talking Processes and The Four Lenses of Learning, apply these concepts and frameworks to their classroom materials and content texts/lessons, and make adaptations based on their own contexts and curriculum frameworks. Participants also engage in learning experiences that are rich in problem-solving, critical thinking, and logical reasoning including discussions about how to adapt these approaches for inclusion students. Educators learn how to engage students in transacting with text (comprehension), composing text, extending reading and writing through a workshop format, investigating language, and learning to learn activities that encourage students to metacognitively reflect on their own learning. Participants are asked to bring classroom curriculum materials and content texts to the course for practical applications of course concepts and strategies.