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Certificate in Social-Emotional Teaching & Learning (Early Childhood)

Social-Emotional Teaching & Learning in the Trauma-Informed Classroom (Early childhood)

PLN’s Social Emotional Teaching and Learning certificate will provide three 3-credit courses and a certificate from the University of Pennsylvania’s Graduate School of Education through the Penn Literacy Network. The courses are focused on creating environments that promote positive social and emotional development, early childhood intervention - the impact of brain based learning, and mindfulness for teachers and their students. The overarching goal for the certificate program is to offer a unique, credit-bearing program that can support all educational staff, school mental health professionals and those working in after school programs. Upon completion of these hybrid courses (in person and online), participants earn 9 continuing education graduate credits and a certificate of completion in Social and Emotional Teaching and Learning. 

In this course, participants develop an understanding of the importance of the social and emotional development and school readiness needs of young children birth through age 5.

In this course, participants learn about brain biology and the positive effect that engaged cross-curricular literacy learning has on young learners. 

Mindfulness-Based Strategies to Support Teaching and Learning

This course helps participants make fundamental changes in how they react to stress through a series of techniques grounded in a traditional form of meditation known as mindfulness, specifically aimed at classroom implementation across the curriculum.