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Aquaponics and the PLN Literacy Frameworks

Impacting Teaching and Learning through STEAM*

In response to the global food, water, and energy crisis, the field of Aquaponics has seen a spike in interest, research, and development. Aquaponics is essentially the combination of Aquaculture (raising fish) and Hydroponics (the soil-less growing of plants)—essentially farming fish and plants together in one integrated system. This course provides support for educators to enrich their current STEAM and literacy programs through Aquaponics. The course explores developmentally appropriate STEAM and literacy-rich classroom strategies that integrate state standards with PLN Frameworks -- The Five Reading Writing Talking Processes and The Four Lenses of Learning. Participants learn about the field of Aquaponics with a focus on how Aquaponics systems work and are designed and how Aquaponics food production compares to other agricultural systems. The focus is on integrating developmentally-appropriate literacy activities within the Aquaponics curriculum. Throughout the course participants reflect on issues of practice that arise from their classroom try-outs.

*STEAM: Science, Technology, Engineering; Arts, Mathematics